Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dreaming Out Loud

Location: Mathew Uncle's house
Music: Dreamin' - OneRepublic - Dreaming Out Loud
Mood: Please refer to Music

Haven´t had a chance to do a proper update for the longest time ever. This is not going to be too long but I can't not write about this song when it's become the song of the month. OneRepublic has, since Trisha recommended them- become a one hit favourite with Apologize. I've had the entire album 'Dreaming Out Loud' for the longest time but I never listened to it so lately (especially since the whole iPod went berzerk on me, and I have a huge list from Chris P (not you Canada Chris) to go through) I needed -relatively- new music so I remember OneRepublic.

Dreaming Out Loud is a soft CD. I see a relativity to Coldplay's melody like Fix You and The Scientist, but also Augie March when it comes to the lyrics. Especially Dreaming Out Loud. Well read this:

hello sir, we live for Mondays,
Confident we'll get there someday,
Pushing all the papers to a wealthy man,
Might I say, a beautiful tie you wear,
And how do you find such lovely polka dots and stripes these days?

I think of Augie March. It has a randomness and totally abstract point of view that listeners need to listen to it a couple times before it makes sense. Right. It's the apple for the teacher, the sucking up to your boss. But its written in a way that I think what? Basically, its a musically simple melody backed up by really really strong lyrics.

At the same time Say (All I Need) is something Coldplay like. Its simple BUT beautiful. OneRepublic totally has me wrapped around their CD.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Made Me Glad

Location: Home, which at the moment is Spital Sanitas in Kilchberg, Zurich, Switzerland.

Mood: Hungry, waiting for dinner to cook already!

Music: Blessed- Hillsong- Made Me Glad.


Been listening to the BLESSED CD by Hillsong. Well when your iPod decides to go Carrie on you and kills all your songs, you start listening to your old CD’s… and this song is just plain and simply put- awesome to the point of tears and other… happenings. So maybe not so plain and simply put. Anyways, here are the lyrics, find it online and listen. And sing it. You’ll learn something.


I will bless the Lord forever
I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
He has set my feet upon a rock

I will not be moved
And I'll say of the Lord

You are my shield, my strength
My portion, deliverer
My shelter, strong tower
My very present help in time of need

Whom have I in heaven but You
There's none I desire beside You
You have made me glad

And I'll say of the Lord
You are my shield, my strength
My portion, deliverer
My shelter, strong tower
My very present help in time of need

As a totally random side note: I have totally been shaken by Monica’s words the other day. She said, “God is God. It is we who should be on our knees.”