Apologies, this note is just as structured as the last one, so basically- it’s not. So, apologies for the last note as well… just realized how freaky that note actually is… until I watched the part where the 11th Doctor chastised the Altraxi again… (“basically, run!” ahaha)
I need to get AWAY from the Sci-Fi… Wait no.
Not my fault that the best shows and books are SCI FI, that’s right people, I am not insane, unless we look at the whole Hitler thing in Grade 10 History, and Counting on You.
Right, moving on.
DOCTOR WHO, loving it. Okay, I do have better things to write about than the super awesome show even if its super awesome and super awesomeness should be noted. (Awesomeness is totally a word, at least to me and one Laura Brown, so there)
Anyways, for those of you T.O’ers who have been reading the blog for a while (Send me Timmy’s or I swear I will turn to the Starbucks side!), remember how I said I was going to start another German blog? Yeah I lied. I’m too lazy to create a new template for a brand new German blog and convert everything, and then when it’s all pretty- still have to deal with fudged German grammar and prepositions…LET’S NOT EVEN GET STARTED ON ADJEKTIV ENDINGS…
Instead, me being my awesome genius future-world-dominating (See:Grade 10 History)self… naturally came up with a genius idea. It is so genius, that I can’t believe I didn’t think of it earlier…. whatever. It was still genius of me, just late genius. Just because of lack of coffee, or I would’ve done this much earlier.
I’m just going to post simultaneously in German and in English. That way it’ll all show up on my Facebook, where you guys read it, and I won’t have to make a new blog and connect it to Facebook, because frankly, I can’t remember how to do it, and I don’t have a single reason as to why I should do so anyways.
I don’t think I’ll be just writing things in German and translating into English, or vice versa- again with the too bothersome idea (I sound like crap-what’s-his-name-the-dude-in-Naruto-with-the-shadow-power, “it’s too bothersome”… ). That way, if you’re ACTUALLY interested in all the crap that I write about, learn German, I’d recommend a school, but I just got my school bill, and those numbers are mole-sized… so no, go to University, forget about German for now. And if you’re really that interested, which I really really doubt… but hey I’m ready for any in-case-scenarios. There’s this really cool program. It’s super awesome (though not so much as Doctor Who). It’s called Google Language Tools. It’ll translate whole chunks of text for you!! Awesome? Right? Yeah. So have fun. Viel Spass.
See now I wrote this whole note and my leg hurts (blame the mosquito) I don’t want to write in German now… but I actually have an idea for that post… so guess, I’ll be doing that now… I should get to the actual German hmwk I have to do… I’m writing about… that’s right, the Doctor himself.
Argh, I get it, I’m getting obsessed with a show but HONESTLY. Ankur, Sagar, Xinou and Burhan, you guys remember writing seriously long Bleach conversations on my profile photo last year? At least 'I’m not doing that with DW right???
Alrighty, I am officially done with the notes that make me seem OD’d on something. I swear, I’m not. Trust me.