Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Making a Difference

Location: At My Desk

Music: Sound of Melodies- Leeland- Sound of Melodies

Mood: Worried, really worried.

There’s this line in the song Solution by Hillsong United (big surprise there!) that basically goes like this:

It is not too far a cry
Too much to try and help the least of these
Politics will not decide if we should rise
And be Your hands and feet

Well think about it. This is “I Heart” all over again. And for me, being God’s hands and feet is showing the lost that we’re not isolated freaks or something. It’s showing that what we know to be truth- and the only universal truth, which I personally believe is God. And God is love. So to show the truth, we show our love. Now this can be to the lost sheep in Canada, the hungry and forgotten children of Africa, or even to the special creations of God that humans abuse, from trees to the clay that God made us from; that we step on every day.

Us developed countries, are so blessed, that we’ve come to take it for granted. I think thats unbelievable selfish of us to say that, “people in Africa are too far for me to go and help because I live in Canada”. Or, “Why should I care about the environment? There’s environmentalists to do that”.

To be frank, if we want the whole world to be a better place; that is, all 6.whatever billion people on this planet to all be well fed, healthy and happy, - well that’s going to take more than the few 1000 who care. What I realized this week was that its easy for people to say, “Oh yea, I totally feel bad about the fact that polar bears are dying” Then if you want them to help you do something about it, a million excuses pop up.

For me, I want to make a difference. You know, there’s like 6 billion people on Earth right now, and there’s been a lot more than that if you count all the people who lived and died. Aristotle lived thousands of years ago, but hey? We all know who that is. Einstein, Newton, Galileo, and Darwin. Even Hitler, Martin Luther King Jr., and Caesar all have one thing in common. They made a difference, good or bad- and even now, after they’ve died, our generation knows all of those names. We’re familiar with what they did. They didn’t sit around and say, “It’s too difficult a problem to solve” or “Someone else can do it”. They knew what they wanted to accomplish, so they went ahead and did it.

My generation is full of people who twitter or Facebook rather that talk. It’s easy for people to say no online because they’re not looking at someone in the face and refusing them. We’re born into a culture, a generation that cares less. We don’t feel that responsibility to our community, or that need to do something. Our culture is spiralling towards a dangerous exit, and I’m hoping to God that we get out of this black hole. What I’m afraid of is that our children are going to look back at us and say, “They’re the ones that put us in this situation” whatever that may be.

I’m big about The “I Heart” Revolution because it strives to bring out the activist in people. Whether its to smile more, or stop human trafficking, they believe we can do it. And I think so too. Why not? The only thing stopping us is our selfishness, and need to look out for ourselves before anything else. I see people who’ve taught me or people of an older generation and they grew up caring. I don’t know how we ended up a generation of individual making up an entire group that doesn’t give a damn. And it’s not just they don’t care though. To quote a youth leader than I have much respect in many ways, I was shocked when he looked at me and said, “I don’t get it! Why should I care if the city is dirty or not? It’s not my problem.” I’m not sure how happy I am in a world that can’t understand something so simple as, it’s your home- sustain it, or you’ll lose it; what next planet are we going to jump to in this universe that can sustain life the way earth can? I guess maybe it’s a good thing I was born in thsi generation, because if I were born earlier, I’d just be like the others doing things for the global community. As it turns out, I’m a loner in the midst of a generation which doesn’t care, for the most part. I guess I’m here to play my part, and make them see the change, because my generation needs a nudge. Or more like a giant push towards revolution.

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