Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Time… and other anomalies (Part I)

Location: Not Guilty Restaurant, Oerlikon, Zürich

Mood: I don’t know yet.

Music: All Love- Ingrid Michaelson


WARNING: I was going to use internet and properly cite all the information here, but seeing as the Not Guilty Restaurant internet is refusing to connect me, well, any mistakes here I blame my boss. Wait he pays me, no I blame the internet. I am Not Guilty. (Wasn’t that pretty genius? I know. And the Master thinks he’s going to be supreme ruler of the universe. Right.)


This particular thought has been running like a crazy rabbit around my brain for a couple years now. It’s something that I give a couple minutes of a week to and then forget about all over again. It’s something I don’t really want to think about, but it never lets me forget that it’s there, that it’s the truth and something I don’t particularly want to acknowledge.

Lets go to the beginning of this whole monster of a thought monstrosity. Well, not the real beginning, no one has actually been there, but it does cover us. The very background of the birth of the universe, echoing in every part of the universe called Microwave Background Radiation. But I digress. Let’s return to a more reason beginning.

Grade 12, Physics with Mr. Whisen in Canada. I love Mr. Whisen, he is one of those teachers who know how to get his students truly interested and amazed by a subject many deem too complicated or simply boring. While studying the history of physics, I realized that at a certain point in the 1800’s, Physics had become a dead science. Scientists were of the assumption that all knowledge about the universe, in the most physical sense of the word that is, was unlocked and open to them all, and focused their efforts on the other sciences, like biology and earth sciences. Geology became quite popular. Physics got stuck in the middle of the pile of things that were labeled ‘been there, done that’.

Boy were they wrong.

The little tiger that blew the old physics universe apart is called Blackbody Radiation. I don’t really want to explain a lot of it except that its called Blackbody Radiation. It does this thing that Classical Physics (the old Physics) couldn’t explain. In fact, it went against the very rules of Classical Physics. That was when Einstein and some other scientists came along with the Wave-Particle Duality of Light. Anyways, come the early mid nineties, Physicists are thrown into the world on Quantum Physics, of bosons and neutrinos and so much uncertainty (Heisenberg would’ve loved that). Particles refused to be where they should be, the possibility that matter could appear and disappear (stamping on the withered foot of the laws of conversation of mass, energy and what not).

Suddenly, the world that had seemed simple was completely foreign. Suddenly everything seemed possible. math showed that without multiple (as in 11 + dimensions), some coiling into others in such intricate designs, the universe might not exist. Could it be possible that the universe is actually made up of strings? That we might exist in post one of countless universe in the membrane (or brane) of a multiversity Nobody knows. And everyone is fighting about it.

The only thing they all agree about is this: the universe is stranger and more frightening than ever before. . .

Douglas Adams wrote in his “Hitchhikers Guide” that if someone where to ever discover how this universe worked and exactly what itwas for, H would be instantly replaced with something even stranger. Bullseye.

Now, I know that was ridiculously long for an intro I but I’ve decided to blog about this and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’ve get 2 years worth of ideas swarming in my head. I’ve been told that I’ve got quite the dangerous brain. Let’s put it to work then.

For now, I’m signing off, I’ll be back with Part II soon enough.


Update: I totally got connection right now, but seeing as its the day after I wrote this, and this has got more to do with philosophy-ness that science, I’ll let you all correct any mistakes out there! Its a bit like String Theory this note, science and philosophy… thank God I have no flamers!

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