Saturday, August 29, 2009

God One and Only

Location: Annie Auntie's house, watching Bones!
Mood: Hungry for the pizza I just made!
Music: Faith+Hope+Love- Hillsong Live- God One and Only

Yes, I told you so. I've become obsessed. The last three posts have been all about Hillsong Live's new CD. It's awesome though, but I must admit; I am surprised at the fact that this hasn't become my absolute favourite- the best will remain and has for a while: "All Of The Above" and of course, OF COURSE, "A_Cross//the_EARTH" simply because "You hold me now" and "Tear down the walls" are just too good. However, "Solution" has and will remain the song that I relate most to and can understand best; so it's "All of The Above".


To the point. This CD is amazing. I am a bit surprised at the lack of "Take It All"-like songs but that was because I've been listening to songs like "It's Your Love" and "I Will Exalt You". However, my opinion was changed when I heard "God One and Only" I was just sitting at home listening to it and by the end of it, I like jumped up and down and "YEA!" The hook for me was the chorus, the lyrics are something that a child would think up; and again, like "I will Exalt You", it was catching to my heart. Anyways, here are the lyrics (Chorus is bold)

In a world that’s lost and seeking
You’re the answer to every need I know
It’s You alone

I find a hope for all my life
I’m living as a sacrifice for You
In freedom and in truth

Always I know You are here and You live in me
In my life You’re the only one I need.
Jesus I believe

You’re the one who saved my soul
You gave me life so I give it back to You
My God God one and only!!!

Now I stand in Your salvation
I keep the faith and I fix my life on You
My hope is found in You.

You chose the cross and You took my place
And I believe it
This is love that I can’t explain
Yes I believe it

God one and only God one and only God one and only!!!

Truly amazing when I think about. Youtube it! It reminds me of "More than Anything"...

So now it is time to eat my pizza... so I will talk to you later... and I really need to write my story ASAP! I promise to update till then Tchüss!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Will Exalt You

Location: Still in Kilchberg, right at home
Mood: Happy and peaceful
Music: Faith+Hope+Love- Hillsong Live- I Will Exalt You

And like I promised, another review for Hillsong Live's Faith+Hope+Love... for Brooke Fraser-Ligertwood's "I Will Exalt You". Here are the lyrics:

I will exalt You
I will exalt You
I will exalt You
You are my God

My hiding place
My safe refuge
My treasure, Lord, You are
My friend and King
Anointed One
Most holy

Because You're with me
Because You're with me
Because You're with me
I will not fear

It is a very simple song. But the point is simple. It's like "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" Because the Lord is with me, he is my hiding place and I have nothing to worry about. It's so simple and it reminds of something a child would sing.

The repetition is what I love. I will exalt you, I will, I will- because YOU ARE MY GOD! Because you're with me, I WILL NOT FEAR!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It begun again!

Location: Spital Sanitas, Kilcherg, Zuerich

Mood: Tired from walking around the city all day!

Music: Faith+Hope+Love - Hillsong Music Australia – It’s Your Love

That’s right. It’s official. More important than freaking anything is this beautiful thing called Hillsong. It’s actually a beautiful combination of faith, hope and love mixed with the right proportion to form: the newest Hillsong cd! That’s right! Powerfully named: “Faith+Hope+Love”!

As usual, when a new Hillsong CD is released; I begin to listen to nothing else. The first time I listened to the whole thing- I supposed what I really realized was that it wasn’t as ‘bright’ or ‘explosive’ as A_Cross//the_EARTH which kind of makes sense because United tends to make worship that you dance and go crazy with (though not always- look at Inside Out). I’m not saying that this CD is calmer, it has a different fire and passion, it’s the music you close your eyes and you’re not on earth anymore, you’re in The Heavenly Father’s Throne Room and you are singing with the angels.

A song that instantly stood out is what I am listening to right now. What touched me and opened my eyes really while I was waiting for a tram in the Hauptbahnhof (Central Railway Station). It goes like this:

It’s Your Love, it’s Your Love, it’s Your Love that has saved me

It’s Your Blood, it’s Your Blood, it’s Your Blood that has made me

And it’s like Hosanna; cause “The People Sing, The People Sing!” And they did and it was like a revelation to them, or it was their testament- and it was their belief and cry out to God. It was pretty scary actually.

It’s Darlene singing it and she sings it like there’s nothing else she ever wants to sing and when I heard it, I’m standing there going, “God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life!” And then Darlene says: “How Great, How Great You Are! It’s Your Love! Church think about this tonight, come on this is the Cross! This is What Jesus did for us! God so loved the world that He gave his only son! The whosoever that believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life! How Great Are You God!”

And I’m like what! Amazing. It made me think of How Great Our God really is and how amazing his works are. And how lucky we are in this entire HUMUNGOUS Universe to have the blessed opportunity to know this person who is bigger than all 156 billion light years of our Universe.

And this person who rules this universe with glory, majesty and absolute beauty and grace; he gave us his blood, and focused his love on us- on this tiny planet in some God-known corner of the universe. 

That is love.

See we don’t understand love because we say I love you to our friends and our dog and husband and mother and sister and what not. Because it’s the same thing no matter what. Three little words that mean a whole bunch of different things. Think about it this way, Japanese couples spend their entire lives together and they’ll say I love you in a hundred different , most of them never say “I love you” as in Aishiteru. Aishiteru is love that is unconditional, self-less. That’s the love that God gave me and you and I will never love anyone like that because I, as a simple human being, do no posses the ability to love like that.

Ultimately, God gave us the love that we can’t produce in ourselves, and I, Merin Chacko cannot understand it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Note to The People Who Brought Me Up

Dear Jean, Jerin, Jaison, Vini, Julie, Sajan, Jason, Leena, Reena, Jiji, Susan, Saira, Fiby and Ribi,

Wow. That was a long list…

Hey guys! I have to say that its finally sinking in: the point where I realize I don’t have your shoulders to depend on and I don’t have your company to keep me smiling. A youth group is very important in the lives of a Christian youth; it’s the family that some people don’t have and I think that the fact that our youth is so small- it’s not so bad. I know most of us are separated now and its not the same anymore- but for me- you guys meant a whole lot. I always felt like I didn’t fit in with the world of today- and I want to change it; and some of you don’t understand it and can’t wrap their minds around it- but you all still support me, so Thank You.

Jean, I love you- me and you had a really close relationship even though most of the time; we just throwing insults at each other; or ganging up on someone else:P You’re a lot of fun- but the right kind of fun, and a great example. I’m missing you a lot right now. You care a lot- and I only realize it at sometimes, like when I see you crying, it was hard. I remember when you went to get married I was thinking, “What am I going to do? When was the last time I didn’t see Jean at church or at the mall or what not?” Now I’m doing the same thing to you, but it’s going to be a longer time. Whatever, you come visit; and I’ll think about taking you places in Europe. Maybe I’ll even let you sleep on a bed instead of the floor:P

Jaison, I’ve been missing you for a while now- and it’s finally hit me harder than ever before. When I was in Canada I was like, “I wonder when I’ll see him,” but because your whole family was there and I was like whatever. Now, even if you visit, you still won’t see me. I’m really proud of knowing you- you’re like the big brother that I want but obviously didn’t get. You’re thousands of kilometres away from me, and you still advise me and I still remember our conversation on Google talk. Thanks for just being there, even when you’re not. You know I love you.

Jerin, I will be honest- sometimes you drive me insane. But I love you for that. And we have fought before- but working together with Youth and whatnot, you gotta admit- it was fun! You’re this guy that I look at and you’re not the adult, but you’re not the kid either. Just plain awesomeness. (Even if you sing higher than me and Jean can handle!:P)

Vinita, for some ‘God-only-know’ reason; we clicked fast. From practically the moment you came, we got along so well; and I’ve always been able to share everything with you; and I’ve put a lot of trust in you. And you deserve it. I know if I need to talk, I can call you anytime; and you were fine with it. And you came to see me minutes before I left- I was so touched by that. You, Allison and Diana were like keeping me from crying the last few moments. Thank you.

Julie, you’ll always be ammachi!:P We’ve had great times, and you’ve watched me grow from a rather annoying brat to someone who is still a brat- but hopefully less annoying. You’ve been my teacher and have taught me a lot. You won’t be soon forgotten.

Sajan, aka Sajchachachacha: You and your brother were the first people I met in Canada (other than Jose uncle, but they’re family so they don’t count!:P). I can relate to you, but then again you’re so different from me. Where you get us all together for skating, I drag us all to the Hillsong Concert (WOOHOO!). But while I’m obsessed with the environment, you just don’t get it. If I had the time, I think we would’ve had a very interesting conversation about all that. I love that you’re not ashamed to speak Malayalam in front of uncles and aunties even if some of the words are wrong (Which is totally fine, cause you give us all a good laugh). I think it’s awesome that you speak it even though you grew up here. You’re able to laugh at yourself and a lot of mallu’s are too embarrassed to do so. Stay funny:P

Jason, I have two words, but its technically a name: Inu Yasha. Omigosh. Let’s start there, and we’ll move along. I thought it was awesome that you watched IY. We always end up watching the same thing even when we know about it- for example, Bleach! Not a lot of mallus out there into manga. Lots of funnyness followed all that. Moving on, my most memorable moment from you was when we were talking and I remember this clearly cause you said, “It’s what you think is right or wrong, and I can’t judge you for it, if you think its right” And I remember when I told other people about the piercing, they were like oh- you’re gonna get kicked out of church, or like “what’s wrong with you? That’s not right”. You didn’t judge; you were above that, and I’ll never forget that you were okay with me doing what I believed was right.

Leena, Oh Monie! Great 9 was crazyness and we made it through. We were best friends that year, through crushes and school and crazyness and Benji and Craig passing and all the crap at home, you were there. All the embarrassments, like me falling flat on my face walking home or you burning your eye trying to straighten your hair! I’m laughing as I think about it. And all our songs. Never forget “Ashira L’Adonai!” And “Lead me To The Cross”. I love you so much, and I miss you and I hate that I didn’t get to see you before I left.

Reena (CHECHI)! Omigosh if Jaison my big brother, you’re my big sister. You’re the girl who was like the adviser when I was angry at stuff at home, and you’d talk to me while the three of us sat in Monie’s room. And you took me to the hospital for the co-op interview and I remember us sitting there praying about it and I was feeling so much better after that!

Jiji, or should I say Acha! I still have the picture you drew from me at the picnic, and the “Sister” cup you gave for me. You weren’t afraid of admonishing me when I was being stupid- and I felt so at home when I used to come over all the time. I felt like you really cared and it was good. You’re a great father and a wonderful person.

Susan, I was so touched that you spent so much time on that photo, its beautiful and I love it. It’s such a wonderful memory of all of you. We’ve had fun times and awful times during anniversary and I will never forget “Re-introduction of Christ” I can still remember parts of it, “Like Jesus is my homeboy, or Jesus got me employed or Jesus is my Decoy!” Ahh Good times. And “Mercy came running” Run Susan! And we’ve had, what no one will EVER FORGET- “Rachel Goes To School”. Take care, enjoy University and I know you’ll be fine. Take care of your health, I do worry for you. (L)

Saira, another one of my big sisters. “I didn’t really know you well, but you’re like a daughter to me!” AHAHA. I’m sorry, I had to say that- that was so funny. I’m glad to be one of the people in our church who don’t have to say “I didn’t really know her, but she was like a daughter”. We’ve had great experiences and conversations that I’ll never forget. You’re gonna be a doctor and I know you’ll be successful. So take care of those patients while I do the lab work!

Fiby and Ribi, you’re like my family…. WAIT A SECOND. Right, you are my family. I’m so glad that we were able to form this great relationship, and with Ethan as well. You care so much for me and advise me on so many things, it won’t go to waste. I promise you that. I love you, take care and please keep in touch.


You’re all this huge pillar that lifts me up and puts me where I am. I’ve heard this from lots of people and it’s that I’m not like a normal mallu, or even a normal teenager- and usually, they meant it not in a good way. And if I tell them I want to change the world- they laugh.

You guys don’t, you tell me I can do it, and that I’m able to. You give me strength and when I do reach this techno-crazed generation of ours to open their eyes and see the world for what it is, that people are dying, and the earth is dying, and we need to be God’s hands and feet and do something about. When I do whatever it is that God has planned for my life, and my hands and feet- I know it wasn’t just me. It was God, and it was all of you.

All of you know my mom passed away, and it’s not like I have a strong enough mother figure in my life, and you’ve all been there for me like that family that I wanted. We’re like strands of a tightly knit fabric. And we’re being stretched and pulled all over the place- and it hurts like something bad because we’re so tight and we’re not supposed to stretch so far. But we have, and the strands didn’t break. They stay, however much they’re stretched, we’re still part of this family and they’re not going to break. God knit us together and without his permission, we won’t break- and I know that for sure.

I know I’ve caused some of you a lot of grief with my whole “If I don’t believe it’s right, I won’t lie about it and make people happy". I hope I’ve inspired you even a fraction of how much you’ve all inspired and blessed me. It was a great experience and we’re not losing each other any time soon, that’s for sure.

So till we meet, God bless, and don’t forget me. Or what I believe. Remember that this world is not something God has given us to exploit. It is our responsibility to take care of it, and the ones who live on it. Are we really that cold that we close our eyes and change the channel when we see the children in Darfur or Rwanda? Are we going to say its okay and judge all those kids in Canada who are drunk, high or who knows what? God has given us talents, and it’s time we used them to make a change. That’s my belief, and I hope that you guys feel that same- and do something, even if it’s just taking your not so fortunate friend to a concert so he can know about Christ, or going to Rwanda under the Red Cross- it’s all in His name, and you will be rewarded.

God Bless.

Yours truly,


Monday, August 24, 2009


Location: Spital Sanitas, Kilchberg, Zurich, Schweiz.

Mood: Stomach hurts! So basically in pain- but at the same time I’m laughing at my situation.

Music: Dreaming Out Loud- OneRepublic- All We Are

Alrighty, so my internet finally got fixed yay! Or at least my phone did, I’m waiting for my dad to come home so he can hook up the modem to router and w/not. Ahhh it was an interesting experience cause this guy came from Cablecom to fix it right and my German is just plain awful! So I’m just like trying to explain in German and I give up and he’s trying and its not working- so we ended up trying in English and that was another failure. Finally we called this guy to translate basically… yea. That was funny. Real funny. Omgosh he was like “Okay, bye bye!” We were laughing so much… and my dad’s gonna be back soon so I shall go now. Go Cablecom!

And my nails are this ‘pretty pink coral’ shade and I’m not sure I like it. Reminds of a brown girly girl and I’m not really that. I was a better shade of Green- that would be nice. My black pisses my dad off and I’m getting bored with it anyways. And I don’t like the red anymore… I really should be studying. YAY! I have internet! I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about internet!! I shall be able to talk to all my crazy friends and stalkers (I joke… I wonder if I have any stalkers- I know of one so far…)

YAY! I want to call Jean but I think if I call right now, I’ll probably wake her up since its like 5:45 in the morning. That would be an interesting conversation. “Hey Jean!” “Why’d you wake me up” “I’m sorry, I missed you and I wanted to call you all the way from Switzerland!” “Well call me later” “Fine” “Bye”

That would be funny. Or not. I’m on chapter 5 of my story Imbroglio and what really annoys me is that a lot of people read it and favourite and what not- but they don’t review! It doesn’t make me angry but its like you could’ve reviewed once and let me know what you think! But at the same time; if they have nothing to say but “Please Update!” I’d rather not get a review- I like the comments and interestingness of it all. My story reminds me of my friend Laura (she’s kind of psycho, but I love her for it!!)…

Alrightie, my stomach is hurting and I don’t really know why. So I’m going to go and study now. Maybe drink some water.

AND A TOTALLY RANDOM NOTE:  Thanks to Allison who at the most unpredicatable times; show up with a review! YEA!:D


It is simply human compassion that requires us to go and fight for the dreams of the broken nations around the world. We have no right to just stare while we fatten ourselves (note that I am including myself) while they starve to death, or are forced to send their young children (as young as 3) to become child soldiers. It is not fair to simply switch the channel in TV so you don’t have to look at the face of yet another sick or starving person- or at the child who’s hands were cut off because they refused to fight. Far above all, it is not above each and every one of us ignore the cries of people who are less fortunate and act like we’re above them. Because we’re not. We’re all made from the same thing- and each of us are special to God. Some of us were meant to make a lot of money and what not; while others are supposed to work for $1000/month in the most dangerous places in the world. Others are meant to be helped so they succeed and then continue on to help others. We don’t know- so we have no right to judge their lives and let them keep on dying.

I find it just like when we let plants in the Amazon jungle die; knowing that we might have just killed off the very plant that say; cures cancer. We might’ve just lost a 2 month old baby in Afghanistan that was supposed to become the answer to all their problems- the next president. Who the hell knows?

It’s kind of sad when you think about it- but I guess we as humans don’t want to see it happening around the world- so we ignore it and let it continue on- just not in front of us. I suppose this is why Joel Houston sang, “Let God be the solution, and we’ll be your hands and feet”

The way I take this is: I can’t really do much alone; so I’m going to ask God to help. On the other hand, we can’t sit around and expect God to do miracles without doing our parts so that’s what motivates me to do something. I’ll be his hands and feet, and he can take me where he wants to right?

So I’ve gone on and on about being an oncologist, environmental activist or what not. I’ve never actually asked him if that was what he had in plan for me. One  thing I learned this week was that whether I follow him in the beginning or not; I’ll always end up taking the route he wants in the end- so I don’t really want to waste 5+ years doing medicine only to realize hey; that’s so not what I’m supposed to be doing. So I’m going to start praying every day and asking him what he wants me to do; and we’ll see- I got a year to go right?


So I decided that having a bunch of shows to watch over this year was just bad and I needed to cut them down. Now I just made a chart of the shows and what to cut, and here it is:






The Listener



Queen Seon Duk



One Tree Hill



Coffee Prince




True Blood


14. I watched fourteen shows last year. Granted, Bleach was half an hour, The Listener, True Blood, Dollhouse, Fringe and Castle I watched over the summer, and Coffee Prince and Queen Seon Duk are one season shows. I’ve managed to limit down to 5 + the doubtful which I’ll watch over the summer. Man, I’m hoping that I don’t pick up anymore German shows, or any Asian Dramas. And thank GOD that I’m done catching up on Bleach, One Piece and Naruto or I’ll still be watching. I do believe if I keep to this schedule, I’ll free up some time for work.:D

In Switzerland!

Location:On the big orange couch, waiting for my dad to get out of the shower.

Mood: So so so jetlagged… is that is mood?

Music: Twilight Soundtrack- Paramore- Decode

I’m actually writing this without an internet connection, so no idea when this is actually getting published. YAY! OKAY, so as of the moment, it is 9:45pm, in Kilchberg, Zurich, Switzerland and I just finished unpacking! At the moment, me and my dad is in this studio apartment which is just so plain adorable… we’ll see how that works out. We went to visit Anthony Uncle and Lily Auntie today, man it was great… but I was so tired. I have no wireless its killing me!! I have chapters to update and people to call… like ALLISON! I will call asap… same goes for Stacey but that’s an expected one.

The flight was cool. I couldn’t sleep because one of my eyes been sore for a while (long story) so opening or closing just hurt… its kind of funny, until you realize it hurts. Anyways, it wasn’t so bad in Brussels; except it was unbelievably confusing. But like every other store was a chocolate shop…good thing I had no money. I watched The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past on the way here- funny movie. The cool thing was that they did customs and stuff in Brussels right? So apparently, due to the Schenken treaty, flying from Belgium to Switzerland is not international- its domestic! So I basically flew in, picked up my luggage and walked off! Very cool.

Alrighty, I’m going to eat dinner and then get some sleep. I’m going to Uni tomorrow to get applications and stuff for German classes, wish me luck!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

2 days Left

Location: Canada for the moment

Mood: Blank

Music: Saviour King- Hillsong- In Your Freedom

So it’s come to that point where the bags are packed, and all the colourful stuff is off the walls. I see paint stripped walls and empty closets. I see good bye gifts and passports, and lots of other stuff.

It’s kind of weird, I’ve been rather lazy of late- I haven’t really had anything to do- but I’m in for a hard ride from the moment I land in Switzerland; from learning the languages to finish my education; and doing this alone, it kind of hits me- I’m starting to grow up. And I don’t really want to. You know when you’re a kid and you’re always frustrated because you can’t do the things big people can do? Then you grow up and you’re like, better be a frustrated kid than a failed adult.

Once I go, there’s a huge range of people I can become- from the person who finishes her degree, gets a high paying job; to someone who decides to screw it and follow God, or someone who has no money because she spends it all trying to defend the environment, because someone needs to. Or I could become the person who marries to early and sits at home with her kids; her life wasted and all the chances she could have- gone. Or I could get into a plane accident and die before I could do anything. Or I could get sick again. There’s a billion things that can go wrong.

I’ve been left alone before and personally, I think I can handle it pretty well. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. And it’s not like I’ve actually been taken care of by someone the last 10 years all that much. I suppose being alone gives me the chance to get closer to God. Being alone also gives me the opportunity to get into quite a lot of trouble; so I’m hoping that I get that intuition or guidance to tell me what is right and wrong, if you get what I mean.

Anyways, two days- I can’t say I’ll miss you all- I’ll miss some of you, others it’s more like thank God and others I just don’t care. I guess its been a unique experience- Canada that is, let’s see how Switzerland goes!


Just as a side note, there is a chance that in the coming months or so, I might just start a brand new blog in German, but I’ll probably update this more often. Anyways.