Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Note to The People Who Brought Me Up

Dear Jean, Jerin, Jaison, Vini, Julie, Sajan, Jason, Leena, Reena, Jiji, Susan, Saira, Fiby and Ribi,

Wow. That was a long list…

Hey guys! I have to say that its finally sinking in: the point where I realize I don’t have your shoulders to depend on and I don’t have your company to keep me smiling. A youth group is very important in the lives of a Christian youth; it’s the family that some people don’t have and I think that the fact that our youth is so small- it’s not so bad. I know most of us are separated now and its not the same anymore- but for me- you guys meant a whole lot. I always felt like I didn’t fit in with the world of today- and I want to change it; and some of you don’t understand it and can’t wrap their minds around it- but you all still support me, so Thank You.

Jean, I love you- me and you had a really close relationship even though most of the time; we just throwing insults at each other; or ganging up on someone else:P You’re a lot of fun- but the right kind of fun, and a great example. I’m missing you a lot right now. You care a lot- and I only realize it at sometimes, like when I see you crying, it was hard. I remember when you went to get married I was thinking, “What am I going to do? When was the last time I didn’t see Jean at church or at the mall or what not?” Now I’m doing the same thing to you, but it’s going to be a longer time. Whatever, you come visit; and I’ll think about taking you places in Europe. Maybe I’ll even let you sleep on a bed instead of the floor:P

Jaison, I’ve been missing you for a while now- and it’s finally hit me harder than ever before. When I was in Canada I was like, “I wonder when I’ll see him,” but because your whole family was there and I was like whatever. Now, even if you visit, you still won’t see me. I’m really proud of knowing you- you’re like the big brother that I want but obviously didn’t get. You’re thousands of kilometres away from me, and you still advise me and I still remember our conversation on Google talk. Thanks for just being there, even when you’re not. You know I love you.

Jerin, I will be honest- sometimes you drive me insane. But I love you for that. And we have fought before- but working together with Youth and whatnot, you gotta admit- it was fun! You’re this guy that I look at and you’re not the adult, but you’re not the kid either. Just plain awesomeness. (Even if you sing higher than me and Jean can handle!:P)

Vinita, for some ‘God-only-know’ reason; we clicked fast. From practically the moment you came, we got along so well; and I’ve always been able to share everything with you; and I’ve put a lot of trust in you. And you deserve it. I know if I need to talk, I can call you anytime; and you were fine with it. And you came to see me minutes before I left- I was so touched by that. You, Allison and Diana were like keeping me from crying the last few moments. Thank you.

Julie, you’ll always be ammachi!:P We’ve had great times, and you’ve watched me grow from a rather annoying brat to someone who is still a brat- but hopefully less annoying. You’ve been my teacher and have taught me a lot. You won’t be soon forgotten.

Sajan, aka Sajchachachacha: You and your brother were the first people I met in Canada (other than Jose uncle, but they’re family so they don’t count!:P). I can relate to you, but then again you’re so different from me. Where you get us all together for skating, I drag us all to the Hillsong Concert (WOOHOO!). But while I’m obsessed with the environment, you just don’t get it. If I had the time, I think we would’ve had a very interesting conversation about all that. I love that you’re not ashamed to speak Malayalam in front of uncles and aunties even if some of the words are wrong (Which is totally fine, cause you give us all a good laugh). I think it’s awesome that you speak it even though you grew up here. You’re able to laugh at yourself and a lot of mallu’s are too embarrassed to do so. Stay funny:P

Jason, I have two words, but its technically a name: Inu Yasha. Omigosh. Let’s start there, and we’ll move along. I thought it was awesome that you watched IY. We always end up watching the same thing even when we know about it- for example, Bleach! Not a lot of mallus out there into manga. Lots of funnyness followed all that. Moving on, my most memorable moment from you was when we were talking and I remember this clearly cause you said, “It’s what you think is right or wrong, and I can’t judge you for it, if you think its right” And I remember when I told other people about the piercing, they were like oh- you’re gonna get kicked out of church, or like “what’s wrong with you? That’s not right”. You didn’t judge; you were above that, and I’ll never forget that you were okay with me doing what I believed was right.

Leena, Oh Monie! Great 9 was crazyness and we made it through. We were best friends that year, through crushes and school and crazyness and Benji and Craig passing and all the crap at home, you were there. All the embarrassments, like me falling flat on my face walking home or you burning your eye trying to straighten your hair! I’m laughing as I think about it. And all our songs. Never forget “Ashira L’Adonai!” And “Lead me To The Cross”. I love you so much, and I miss you and I hate that I didn’t get to see you before I left.

Reena (CHECHI)! Omigosh if Jaison my big brother, you’re my big sister. You’re the girl who was like the adviser when I was angry at stuff at home, and you’d talk to me while the three of us sat in Monie’s room. And you took me to the hospital for the co-op interview and I remember us sitting there praying about it and I was feeling so much better after that!

Jiji, or should I say Acha! I still have the picture you drew from me at the picnic, and the “Sister” cup you gave for me. You weren’t afraid of admonishing me when I was being stupid- and I felt so at home when I used to come over all the time. I felt like you really cared and it was good. You’re a great father and a wonderful person.

Susan, I was so touched that you spent so much time on that photo, its beautiful and I love it. It’s such a wonderful memory of all of you. We’ve had fun times and awful times during anniversary and I will never forget “Re-introduction of Christ” I can still remember parts of it, “Like Jesus is my homeboy, or Jesus got me employed or Jesus is my Decoy!” Ahh Good times. And “Mercy came running” Run Susan! And we’ve had, what no one will EVER FORGET- “Rachel Goes To School”. Take care, enjoy University and I know you’ll be fine. Take care of your health, I do worry for you. (L)

Saira, another one of my big sisters. “I didn’t really know you well, but you’re like a daughter to me!” AHAHA. I’m sorry, I had to say that- that was so funny. I’m glad to be one of the people in our church who don’t have to say “I didn’t really know her, but she was like a daughter”. We’ve had great experiences and conversations that I’ll never forget. You’re gonna be a doctor and I know you’ll be successful. So take care of those patients while I do the lab work!

Fiby and Ribi, you’re like my family…. WAIT A SECOND. Right, you are my family. I’m so glad that we were able to form this great relationship, and with Ethan as well. You care so much for me and advise me on so many things, it won’t go to waste. I promise you that. I love you, take care and please keep in touch.


You’re all this huge pillar that lifts me up and puts me where I am. I’ve heard this from lots of people and it’s that I’m not like a normal mallu, or even a normal teenager- and usually, they meant it not in a good way. And if I tell them I want to change the world- they laugh.

You guys don’t, you tell me I can do it, and that I’m able to. You give me strength and when I do reach this techno-crazed generation of ours to open their eyes and see the world for what it is, that people are dying, and the earth is dying, and we need to be God’s hands and feet and do something about. When I do whatever it is that God has planned for my life, and my hands and feet- I know it wasn’t just me. It was God, and it was all of you.

All of you know my mom passed away, and it’s not like I have a strong enough mother figure in my life, and you’ve all been there for me like that family that I wanted. We’re like strands of a tightly knit fabric. And we’re being stretched and pulled all over the place- and it hurts like something bad because we’re so tight and we’re not supposed to stretch so far. But we have, and the strands didn’t break. They stay, however much they’re stretched, we’re still part of this family and they’re not going to break. God knit us together and without his permission, we won’t break- and I know that for sure.

I know I’ve caused some of you a lot of grief with my whole “If I don’t believe it’s right, I won’t lie about it and make people happy". I hope I’ve inspired you even a fraction of how much you’ve all inspired and blessed me. It was a great experience and we’re not losing each other any time soon, that’s for sure.

So till we meet, God bless, and don’t forget me. Or what I believe. Remember that this world is not something God has given us to exploit. It is our responsibility to take care of it, and the ones who live on it. Are we really that cold that we close our eyes and change the channel when we see the children in Darfur or Rwanda? Are we going to say its okay and judge all those kids in Canada who are drunk, high or who knows what? God has given us talents, and it’s time we used them to make a change. That’s my belief, and I hope that you guys feel that same- and do something, even if it’s just taking your not so fortunate friend to a concert so he can know about Christ, or going to Rwanda under the Red Cross- it’s all in His name, and you will be rewarded.

God Bless.

Yours truly,


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