Monday, August 24, 2009


It is simply human compassion that requires us to go and fight for the dreams of the broken nations around the world. We have no right to just stare while we fatten ourselves (note that I am including myself) while they starve to death, or are forced to send their young children (as young as 3) to become child soldiers. It is not fair to simply switch the channel in TV so you don’t have to look at the face of yet another sick or starving person- or at the child who’s hands were cut off because they refused to fight. Far above all, it is not above each and every one of us ignore the cries of people who are less fortunate and act like we’re above them. Because we’re not. We’re all made from the same thing- and each of us are special to God. Some of us were meant to make a lot of money and what not; while others are supposed to work for $1000/month in the most dangerous places in the world. Others are meant to be helped so they succeed and then continue on to help others. We don’t know- so we have no right to judge their lives and let them keep on dying.

I find it just like when we let plants in the Amazon jungle die; knowing that we might have just killed off the very plant that say; cures cancer. We might’ve just lost a 2 month old baby in Afghanistan that was supposed to become the answer to all their problems- the next president. Who the hell knows?

It’s kind of sad when you think about it- but I guess we as humans don’t want to see it happening around the world- so we ignore it and let it continue on- just not in front of us. I suppose this is why Joel Houston sang, “Let God be the solution, and we’ll be your hands and feet”

The way I take this is: I can’t really do much alone; so I’m going to ask God to help. On the other hand, we can’t sit around and expect God to do miracles without doing our parts so that’s what motivates me to do something. I’ll be his hands and feet, and he can take me where he wants to right?

So I’ve gone on and on about being an oncologist, environmental activist or what not. I’ve never actually asked him if that was what he had in plan for me. One  thing I learned this week was that whether I follow him in the beginning or not; I’ll always end up taking the route he wants in the end- so I don’t really want to waste 5+ years doing medicine only to realize hey; that’s so not what I’m supposed to be doing. So I’m going to start praying every day and asking him what he wants me to do; and we’ll see- I got a year to go right?

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