Location: Canada for the moment
Mood: Blank
Music: Saviour King- Hillsong- In Your Freedom
So it’s come to that point where the bags are packed, and all the colourful stuff is off the walls. I see paint stripped walls and empty closets. I see good bye gifts and passports, and lots of other stuff.
It’s kind of weird, I’ve been rather lazy of late- I haven’t really had anything to do- but I’m in for a hard ride from the moment I land in Switzerland; from learning the languages to finish my education; and doing this alone, it kind of hits me- I’m starting to grow up. And I don’t really want to. You know when you’re a kid and you’re always frustrated because you can’t do the things big people can do? Then you grow up and you’re like, better be a frustrated kid than a failed adult.
Once I go, there’s a huge range of people I can become- from the person who finishes her degree, gets a high paying job; to someone who decides to screw it and follow God, or someone who has no money because she spends it all trying to defend the environment, because someone needs to. Or I could become the person who marries to early and sits at home with her kids; her life wasted and all the chances she could have- gone. Or I could get into a plane accident and die before I could do anything. Or I could get sick again. There’s a billion things that can go wrong.
I’ve been left alone before and personally, I think I can handle it pretty well. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. And it’s not like I’ve actually been taken care of by someone the last 10 years all that much. I suppose being alone gives me the chance to get closer to God. Being alone also gives me the opportunity to get into quite a lot of trouble; so I’m hoping that I get that intuition or guidance to tell me what is right and wrong, if you get what I mean.
Anyways, two days- I can’t say I’ll miss you all- I’ll miss some of you, others it’s more like thank God and others I just don’t care. I guess its been a unique experience- Canada that is, let’s see how Switzerland goes!
Just as a side note, there is a chance that in the coming months or so, I might just start a brand new blog in German, but I’ll probably update this more often. Anyways.
well now...the chances of getting into a plan accident at i believe 1 in a billion (or maybe its a million) so getting into a car is more dangerous. And considering how you drive i believe you'll be very safe on the plane =)